Twilight Beauty

You'll always watch the movies and think 'How do they get all the beauty and makeup?" Well...You have an opportunity to look like the Twilight girls! And no, you're not dreaming. But if you think it's're dreaming. All you have to do is go to the link (just click the button on the left side of the blog that says "Twilight Beauty") And choose what category you want! You can do Volturi makeup, Luna Twilight, Nox Twilight, or Twilight Beauty Unveiled! Sometimes things will be sold out but all you have to do is order online. But I gotta admit, some are pretty pricey... and all of out Twi-Hards will be hoping if there is gonna be a sale...I will keep an eye out for that...And I think that's all I need to say (and type!) I will be updating this when it needs to be updated so keep in touch!

The Twilight Saga, Feryal Bouayed